It is an open forum for all discussions...thus referred to as 'The Sandbox'.
Nielsen Data from tvbythenumbers
*** Debate Polls Are Now Closed ***
Who will win the prime-time FNC debate?
Cruz - 28.57%
Trump - 21.43%
Walker - 14.29%
Paul - 14.29%
Kasich - 14.29%
Christie - 7.14%
Bush, Huckabee, Carson, Rubio - 0%
Who will win the early FNC debate?
Fiorina 54.55%
Perry - 18.18%
Pataki - 18.18%
Jindal - 9.09%
Santorum, Graham, Gilmore - 0%
Who won the prime-time FNC debate?
No Clear Winner - 32.26%
Cruz - 16.13%
Rubio - 16.13%
Trump - 12.9%
Walker - 6.45%
Kasich - 6.45%
Carson - 3.23%
Bush, Huckabee, Christie - 0%
Who won the early FNC debate?
Fiorina - 83.33%
Jindal - 11.11%
Gilmore - 5.56%
Perry, Santorum, Graham, Pataki - 0%
Were there any clear losers in the prime-time FNC debate?
Paul - 31.43%
Christie - 25.71%
Trump - 17.14%
Bush - 11.43%
Rubio - 5.71%
Carson - 2.86%
Cruz - 2.86%
Kasich - 2.86%
Walker, Huckabee - 0%
After the next Sandbox goes up this afternoon I will be posting a new presidential poll.
Thank you to everyone who participated...TruthBeagle...