Monday, April 2, 2018

The Cable News Sandbox - Friday March 30, 2018

The Cable News Sandbox is a place for cable news enthusiasts. Here you can discuss cable news ratings, personalities, news, politics, and just about anything else you desire.

It is an open forum for all discussions...thus referred to as 'The Sandbox'.

And meow the weather...

We see the news, we hear the news, and we discuss the news.  Let's put music to our views of the news!!!

Search your mind, search your libraries, search your soul, and today let's post music that goes along with a news topic or a post.  Music is an expression of emotion.  Let's 'emote' to the news. :-)

***  Hello All.  Any current commenting issues aren't a problem with the site itself.  Disqus is having a few technical difficulties (surprised?).  Hopefully it will be fixed shortly.  Please keep checking back...Thank you...TB... ***