Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Cable News Sandbox - Wednesday December 30, 2020

The Cable News Sandbox is a place for cable news enthusiasts. Here you can discuss cable news ratings, personalities, news, politics, and just about anything else you desire.

It is an open forum for all discussions...thus referred to as 'The Sandbox'.

Happy New Year!!!

Wishing all a happy new year from everyone at The Conservative Truth!!!

It's been another great year.  Great at least for posting here at your site.  I say 'your' site, because it is.  Without the people who post here it would be a bleak and empty space on the interwebz.  The people, the personalities, the cheering, the humor, helping each other out, proofreading and fact-checking, and even insulting everyone.  That's what makes a good site.  That's what makes a good community.  If we didn't have all of that it would get boring.  But we are like a family here.  That's what makes it interesting and fun.  Here's to another exciting year, hopefully soon without a virus.
And an extra thank you to all who have donated this year.  That helps to keep us going, and adds to our future.
Happy New Year, thank you all, and stay safe...TB...