Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorial Day 2024 - A Musical Salute

I thought I would go ahead and post this early this year while people are around.  I usually post it on Memorial day.

 Here are some videos honoring our soldiers and showing pride in the country that they protect.  It's a copy of the 2023 page, that was updated from the original 2014 salute.  That was the first year of the site.  If you have some music videos that are appropriate to the theme and you would like them added please post them below.

A must watch is the collaboration video that Lee Greenwood did because of COVID, singing 'God Bless the USA' with people from across the country.

One of my favorites that has a bit of a chilling story is one I had remembered when I was younger.  'Riding With Private Malone'.

Please continue normal posting in the current Thursday page.  If you have any Memorial Day comments, memories, or videos please post them here.  Thank you...TB...